ალექსანდრე უმცროსი/Александр младший-2013 г.
კომენტარი (2)
18 May, 2016 Year
Ich war letzte Woche Freitag auf der IFA in Berlin und habe mir Entertain to go ebenfalls zeigen lassen. Schön wäre es, wenn die Funktion beim Premium Tarif direkt ohne Aufpreis mit verfügbar wäre, um diesen Tarif mehr vom Comfort Tarif zu dirzefenfieren. Ansonsten aber eine gute Innovation, weiter so!
18 May, 2016 Year
Good job syd!!! You almost got it right. Ill explain it one more time and Im sure youll get it right next time. Ill try to make it as clear as possible for my special ed class here:Lower levels of poverty (less poor people) = higher consumption (poor people can buy more stuff) = higher consumption of electricity per capita (more A/Cs and reaofgeritrrs) = need to drastically increase electricity supply
Dmitry Gurtskaya - founder / owner of the GG
Dear Guests, Thank you for the interest you showed in Gurtskaya Gymnasium (GG) and our web page.
We realize it, how difficult it is to make vital decisions concerning the education of children for the parents. The quality of basic education, and education in general, could influence on the future life of family and on the fate of the child.
We are ready to offer the jobs for the teachers, where they will be able to realize their creativity, potential, innovative ideas and talents.
We hope, that our web page will help you to make the first acquaintance with the possibilities of GG, and you will be able to make an appropriate decision concerning future education for your children.